Training Course on « Generic Statistical Business Process Model (GSBPM) »

The Generic Statistical Business Process Model (GSBPM) describes and defines the set of business processes needed to produce official statistics. It provides a standard framework and harmonised terminology to help statistical organisations to modernise their statistical production processes, as well as to share methods and components. The GSBPM is the result of a long process of discussion and sharing of experience that started in 2007 under the umbrella of the UN-ECE, Eurostat and the OECD.

For the ENP-South National Statistical Institutes, who adopted in 2016 the ENP-South Code of Practices (CoP), using the GSBPM may critically help in assessing the quality of their statistical processes and thus contribute to the design of scientifically relevant quality frameworks and indicators.

At the request of the ENP-S countries, MEDSTAT IV will organise a training course on GSBPM. All the technical material on the latest version of the GSBPM is available on various web-sites. The objective of the course is not to train on the concepts but rather to accompany the participants in applying the model on various statistical operations.

The training course will thus be constructed on two phases:

  • A distance learning phase during which the participants will be given access to the existing material regarding GSBPM and will be asked to review it. One webinar will then be organised to test the knowledge of the participants, to answer questions they may still have on the theoretical and conceptual foundations of the model and to fine-tune the agenda of the face-to-face session

A face-to-face session during which practical cases will be presented and discussed. The participants will be put in “real conditions” for the practical application of the model to various and concrete statistical operations. This phase will take place in Rome on July 25-27, 2017.

At the end of the training process, MEDSTAT IV expects that there will be an enhanced understanding of the statistical production processes, of the quality indicators linked to GSBPM and the added value of the model for the statistician’s work. The training also aims at developing internal capacities in the National Statistical Institutes to multiply the skills acquired and to go towards a generalised use and internalisation of the GSBPM within the National Statistical Systems of the ENP-S countries.

Each ENP-S countries will send two particiapnts to the course that will be delivered with the assistance of experts from ISTAT (webinar and face-to-face sessions) and possibly from the UN-ECE (contributions during the webinar).

Auteur : Siska Cahyati

BRIEF DESCRIPTION The MEDSTAT IV project provides expertise and technical support to promote the harmonisation of statistics in line with EU and international standards in 6 domains: business register and business, trade and balance of payments, energy, labour market, migration and transport). It follows on the previous phase implemented over the period 2010-2013. Countries covered: Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Libya, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Syria and Tunisia (cooperation with Syria is suspended).

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