MEDSTAT IV – National Strategy for the Development of a Statistical Business Register, Technical Assistance (Amman, 3-4.05.2017)

Of the nine ENP-South countries participating in the MEDSTAT IV project, four expressed their wish to receive technical assistance to design a national strategy for the development of a statistical business register and a roadmap for its implementation. The four countries were Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Palestine.

In the framework of the MEDSTAT IV project, it was decided to organize a technical assistance mission in Amman from 3 to 4 May 2017 that would bring together participants from the 4 countries. Before coming to Amman, they will first have to prepare a draft strategy for setting up a statistical business that is feasible according to the context and constraints of their respective national statistical systems, which will be discussed and finalized during the meeting.

The objective of the technical assistance is to improve the understanding of the Guidelines on Statistical Business Registers from the UNSD and to discuss the practical application of these recommendations.

Some of ENP-S countries are already well advanced in the implementation of a statistical business register but they still lack of tools to match/compare  administrative files from different sources, or still face problems linked to the identification of the businesses.

The participation of the representative of ISTAT (M. Manlio Calzaroni) will focus on the various steps to be followed without the development of an SBR, as described in the manual and will give practical insights on these issues.  Each country will bring two representatives in Amman under MEDSTAT IV funding. Palestine, decided to finance on its own budget two additional persons from the PCBS.

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