EU Twinning on Enhancing Official Statistics in Israel
Objectives and outcomes:
The Israeli Central Bureau of statistics (ICBS) has partnered with Statistics Denmark. The project began on March 2016 and will conclude on March 2018 with a budget of 1,200,000 Euros. Throughout the project experts from Denmark and other EU Member States will participate in the project activities and a number of national stakeholders will be involved and benefit from the project.
The overall objective of the Twinning Project is for the ICBS to align official Israeli statistics with standards, guidelines, and best practices from the European Union and from international organizations such as the OECD.
The Twinning Project has four components:
- Quality management of official statistics- As part of this Twinning Project, ICBS will foster quality management and assessment of official statistics in Israel.
- Micro-data services to researchers- ICBS will establish a streamline system that will make micro-data access for researchers simpler without compromising the confidentiality and privacy of data.
- Infrastructures for agricultural statistics- The ICBS and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) will upgrade the agricultural statistics infrastructure in order to improve the quality – and at the same time prepare for the upcoming census.
- Methodological and geo-special tools for improving the quality and the efficiency of field surveys- ICBS will improve the quality and efficiency of data collection in field surveys by implementing geo-spatial tools
The EU-Israel Twinning Project had a successful opening event in Jerusalem on 13 April 2016. The opening ceremony took place at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with the participation of high level officials from the EU, Denmark and Israel. As part of the opening ceremony, a Memorandum of Understanding between the National Insurance Institute and the Central Bureau of Statistics was signed. The Memorandum of Understanding is one of the outstanding achievements of our previous Twinning Project that ran from May 2013 to December 2014.
Three missions took place during the first quarter where leading experts from Denmark provided expertise on Quality Management, Micro-data services and Methodological tools for improving the quality and the efficiency of field surveys. The three completed missions focused on establishing a basis for the upcoming work.